New and Oh So Improved!

Out with the old and boring and in the new, updated and fantastic blog!  You can find it at

Were so excited to show it off, so head over there and check it out!!


Dan ~ Senior 2010

Meet Dan.  I knew very little about Dan before our Session so I decided to take along my 20 questions I ask to most of my Seniors.  I loved his answers and I loved the session.  He was so fun and I’m so glad to now know a lot about this guy!  Enjoy some of his Q&A’s!

Any Nicknames?  Dan the Man or Heavy D.


Favorite Hobby?  Fishing.


Favorite Memory?  State Football Championship Game.


Dream Job?  Bull Pin Catcher. (Baseball)


Dream?  Own a Ranch.


One thing you Never do…  Have a Bad Day. 

(What an awesome answer!)

Erin ~ Senior 2010

This is Erin.  I photographed her brother’s Senior pictures last year and was so glad when they called this year for Erin!  Erin was so amazing to work with and had so many great outfits and looks, I just HAD to incorporate them all!  This girl can’t take a bad picture!

I had a great time with Y’all!  Thanks for helping me dig up the old bathtub and for following me all over town!  I hope you will love your pictures but until then, here’s a sneak peak.  Enjoy!

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Karsyn {8 Days Old}

Meet sweet Karsyn.  I LOVE newborns and newborn pictures.  Karsyn was game for anything and was so calm the entire session. I got so many great shots, it’s hard to pick my favorites so I picked some of my favorite poses from the day.  Thank you to his Mom for allowing me to try anything!  I enjoyed my time with you!
(If you would like to leave a comment for me or Karsyn’s family, please click the title of this post.)
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Garrett Turned ONE!

I was so glad when Garrett’s Parents called me back to capture his ONE year portraits.  He’s such a sweet boy and was so curious about me and my camera.  I got some questioning stares, some great expressions and a few sweet smiles!  I think some of my favorites were of him with his Daddy’s wrenches and old cars!  I want some old cars like that too!

Garrett was a joy to photograph and I enjoyed the afternoon spent with his family! Thank you for allowing me to get these pictures for y’all!  I enjoyed it! 

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When you ask nicely….

I try not to mix business with family but how can I turn her down when she asked so nicely…….  This is my cousin and her husband.  They still act like newly-weds and I enjoyed laughing at them.    If you have never seen me, this is what I look like.  I take it as a compliment and sure hope she does ; )  I just wished I was as skinny. 
Wished you lived closer……..
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These two girls are so cute they just don’t take bad pictures.  They are all smiles and love to pose.   023-057 010-032

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Whitney part 2

Whitney and I finally met up to finish her senior session. This one too had it's problems. (Thank you to the Firemen that rescued her keys from her car) But dispute the problems with the 2 session we ended up with "one" set of really great pictures. Whitney... Your great! Thank you! Enjoy these pictures from one of my longest most memorable sessions!
The Graduation Announcement:
This is an example of a custom announcment/invatation that I offer. Whitney told me her favorite color was green, she wanted a callage theme and lots of pictures (which she picked). She also wanted these to be postcards so the back had all the info and a place for a stamp the mailing address! Too fun!